10 Feb

A clogged drain causes blockages in sewer lines, and plumbing systems could prevent water and waste from going down the drain. If not addressed immediately, it will cause the gutter to overflow, resulting in sewage backups. Fortunately, hydro jetting is the best option to prevent this from occurring.

What is Hydro Jetting?

Hydro Jetting is an advanced cleaning sewer and drain line method, which requires high-tech equipment to clean clogged or slow sewer systems via a continuous blast of water at high pressure. It eliminates blockages such as grease, mineral scale, debris, and tree roots. 

Can Anyone Perform Hydro Jetting?

Since hydro jetting uses high-pressure water, this may cause irreversible damage if used in the wrong way; thus, it should be carefully operated and handled by highly trained, professional plumbing contractors.  

Is Hydro Jetting a Good Option?

There are a lot of advantages that hydro jetting offers:

  • It is non-invasive
  • It is safe
  • It is environmentally friendly
  • It provides fast relief

How often should you use hydro jetting?

In companies, hydro jetting should be once or twice a year, unlike residential areas with small families living in small homes will likely require hydro-jetting once every other year. On the other hand, old houses have old plumbing systems and sewer lines, so more frequent hydro jetting is needed.

Does hydro jetting work on roots?

Hydro jetting clear roots penetrating your sewer lines and plumbing system underground. Here are the steps during the process of hydro jetting:

  1. Your licensed plumber uses a sophisticated camera to inspect your sewer lines and plumbing pipes before hydro jetting. 
  2. The plumber inserts the jetting hose into the pipelines once he finds the blockage’s exact location.
  3. When the high-pressured water starts, the hose goes through the plumbing lines as it cleans the pipe’s inner walls.
  4. Gravity will pull down the washed-out debris through the home plumbing system, safely flushing it out to your home.

Looking for affordable Hydro Jetting Service in Seattle ? Call The Pipe Doctor!

At The Pipe Doctor, we provide effective and affordable hydro jetting service for the Seattle community. Hydro jetting is an eco-friendly and super effective way of cleaning your sewer and drain line. 

The Pipe Doctor
Professional Sewer & Drain Company
Address: 12345 Lake City Way NE Ste 311, Seattle, WA 98125
Phone: (206) 676-2192
Email: thepipedr@gmail.com
Visit: https://thepipedr.com

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